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A Message to our club members from the new officers and board

The new Board of Directors was elected at our meeting at 7 p.m on March 7th at 7:00 pm at the Palm Beach Gardens Branch Library.

Below is a list of new board members

President – Sara Miller Vice President – Eric Jablin Treasurer – Sue Thornton Corresponding Secretary – Michael Gallagher Recording Secretary – Maggie Koons

Director - Jeff Barat Director - Paul Blythe Director - Jessica Brason Director - Paula McClease

The incoming board is honored to have the trust of the members and we will all work hard to move forward and create an organization that is prepared to take on the challenges of the election in 2024 and beyond. The next presidential election is only 19 months away, and it's crucial that we start working towards our goals. Let’ s start by naming the things that matter to all of us. What is at stake? What really matters?

  • Public schools matter

  • Climate change matters

  • Freedom from gun violence matters

  • Affordable housing matters

  • Protection from soaring insurance prices matters

  • Protecting social security and medicare matters

  • The right to vote and democracy matters.

  • Winning elections matter

The North County Democratic Club has a huge challenge. We need to build an army of volunteers in advance of the next Presidential Election cycle. We need every person to join because no one is going to save us. It's time to stop asking ourselves why “they” didn’t reach out to voters, why “they” didn’t give us money, why “they” didn’t send us stronger candidates. There is no “they”. The real words are WE, US and TOGETHER

President Obama taught us how to inspire others. Let his words inspire us now.

“I believe that each of us - no matter what our age or background or walk of life - each of us has something to contribute to the life of this nation.”
“The best way to not feel hopeless is to get up and do something. Don’t wait for good things to happen to you. If you go out and make some good things happen, you will fill the world with hope, you will fill yourself with hope.”

So, Why does a club matter? What is a club? The definition - an organization of people with a common purpose or interest, who meet regularly and take part in shared activities. The North County Democrats want to be more than that. We want to be the group that delivers results.

  • We must be the group that makes positive change in our community.

  • We must be the group where hardworking, passionate leaders teach others about the political process and how to prepare for the election.

  • We must build a team of talent to help organize. Each of us has their own super power and if given the opportunity to use it, we can accomplish a lot

  • We need to start having some fun and lifting the spirits of all volunteers

  • We must gather resources that support winning elections

How can you help? We need volunteers

  • We need people to lead and plan club functions and activities

  • We need event planners

  • We need writers and researchers and social media and messaging specialists, web or graphic art designers.

  • Financial wizards, fundraisers and data analysts.

  • We need student interns and people reaching out to younger voters.

Every effort, big or small, will make a significant impact on the outcome of the election. As members of this Club, you will not only be able to make a real difference on issues, but also help build a sense of community and shared purpose. You will get to work alongside other like-minded volunteers who share your values and beliefs, creating connections and friendships that can last a lifetime.

These next 19 months are critical, and the work starts with each one of us. So, I urge you to take action and become an active member of the North County Democratic Club. Let's work together to build a brighter future for everyone!

1 Comment

Graciela Catasus
Graciela Catasus
Jul 16, 2024

😍 Thanks for this informative column. As a newcomer to the area and the club, I wonder if it might be possible to add photos to the officials' and director's names so they could be easily recognized by the club's constituency. Just a thought! Thanks!

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