Palm Beach County Chapter of the Democratic Hispanic Caucus hosted The Palm Beach Gubernatorial Forum 2022 on June 15th 2022. In attendance were candidates, Florida Commissioner of Agriculture Nikki Fried and Congressman Charlie Crist. The two candidates covered many local issues as they spoke to a room packed with interested attendees. All of the guests hoped to hear each candidate's plan to remove DeSantis from Tallahassee next November and win their race.
The conversations focused on pocketbook issues that affect all Floridians. Both candidates agreed the expansion of medicare in Florida and protection the rights of a woman’s choice should be a priority. Fried believes that a Constitutional Amendment protecting a women’s right to choose should be on the ballot allowing Floridians to choose and Crist reminded the crowd that he has already vetoed an abortion bill and will do it again.
A passionate discussion took place regarding the adverse effect wage rate and both committed to defend farm workers and fight for a living wage. DeSantis’s egregious treatment of our farm workers was highlighted by Fried. Crist added that all workers have suffered under the policies of DeSantis and that it was time to defend the people of Florida. Crist added that the cost of living is too high and US Department Justice should go after any company who price gouges consumers.
The unaffordable housing crisis raised the issues of investor purchases climbing to 16% in Palm Beach County and much higher in other parts of Florida. Both candidates are committed to restoring and funding the Sadowski Fund. In 1992, the William E. Sadowski Affordable Housing Act created a dedicated source of revenue for affordable housing in Florida. Under this law, small taxes on real estate transactions are collected and earmarked for affordable housing. Crist plans to ask HUD to assist with federal funds and Fried pointed out that we have a shortage of affordable homes and we should build more. Both candidates said diverting funds in to Hometown Heroes Fund was wrong because it excludes too many people and focuses aid on those that will likely vote for DeSantis.. The Florida Hometown Heroes Housing Program makes homeownership affordable for eligible frontline community workers such as law enforcement officers, firefighters, educators, healthcare professionals, childcare employees, and active military or veterans. A better choice is to fund the Sadowski Fund in fairness to all..
The evening ended with both candidates standing strong against hateful rhetoric from DeSantis and the anti “woke” bill and “Don’t Say Gay” bill. Both candidates come from families of teachers and expressed support for Florida Public School Systems and all educators.
To learn more about the candidates visit their websites and
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